
Showing posts from February 11, 2018

The Comfort of an Old Friend

"The Comfort of an Old Friend" pastel, 5x7" I love this old teacup. I love the vintage napkin, too. I could have used a paper one, but it felt special to use this one. "Treat yourself," I said. Enjoyed talking to a new friend at church tonight. Another treat! Life's simple pleasures can be so comforting. Counting my blessings today... Judy

Let it flow...

"Let Your Living Water Flow" I thought I might play around with some new pastel paper that I ordered. The grit was 250 and it was like painting on course sandpaper. I ended up using a piece of foam to push some color into the tooth. Interesting results. So I kept on playing. Sometimes it is good to fool around and not be concerned with results. Just let it flow... Judy

Living Water...

"Living Water", pastel, 7x5" Again... (another day in the 30/30 painting challenge). I just had to paint something, but what? A simple subject (without a staged setting) was all I could come up with, as I had an hour before my class would arrive. I painted this one with just the intention of painting a beautiful water pitcher... a man made object...  that I love , to express with the appreciation that I have for it, and what it holds. I painted it and I like it. But I hope it expresses much more... Many colors make up the living water ... Play with your pastels... Judy

What we know it to be...

"To the Fading Flower" pastel, 7x5" Last week after church a friend gave me a bouquet of flowers from the Fellowship Table to take home. They were so pretty and I thought I would paint them. Life got in the way and today all that was left was this one fading flower. It was not a well lit, perfect set up. The photo to the left was what I was looking at. The leaves were under water and the background was a chair and electrical outlet! As artists we are always interpreting what we see. I wanted to honor the beauty of this flower, so I glorified it! I set a stage of quiet beauty and tried to honor the life of this flower and the person who so kindly allowed me to enjoy it and it's friends. I painted the leaves where I wanted them to be. Sometimes we paint what we see... and sometimes we paint what we know it to be. Make sure you play with your pastels this week! Judy