What we know it to be...

"To the Fading Flower" pastel, 7x5"

Last week after church a friend gave me a bouquet of flowers from the Fellowship Table to take home. They were so pretty and I thought I would paint them. Life got in the way and today all that was left was this one fading flower.

It was not a well lit, perfect set up. The photo to the left was what I was looking at. The leaves were under water and the background was a chair and electrical outlet!

As artists we are always interpreting what we see. I wanted to honor the beauty of this flower, so I glorified it!

I set a stage of quiet beauty and tried to honor the life of this flower and the person who so kindly allowed me to enjoy it and it's friends. I painted the leaves where I wanted them to be.

Sometimes we paint what we see...
and sometimes we paint what we know it to be.

Make sure you play with your pastels this week!


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