Are you curious?

Cabinet of Curiosities, pastel, 18x24" April showers make the sky so gray. We need a little color in our lives. Join me in exploring the beautiful, rich colors you will find when you paint with pastels. A new series of classes begin after Easter. Playing with Pastels... Beginner and intermediate Join this class and experience a nurturing community atmosphere that will ignite artistic and personal growth whether you are a first time explorer or have had some experience. Students in this class will develop basic pastel painting techniques as we seek to discover our own style. We will explore color and composition, and refine our drawing skills. Ages: Adults & mature teens When: 5 Mondays April 22 - May 20 2:00 - 5:00 pm Fee: $180 (studio materials are available) Call me at 989-7644 or email t to reserve a space.