The Value of Value!
Litchfield Corn, pastel, 12x12" I am getting excited about a workshop that I will be attending in a few weeks. The Connecticut Pastel Society is running a plein air workshop by Liz Haywood-Sullivan in nearby Litchfield, CT. Take a look at her work here . There are folks coming from as far away as South Dakota! I have been trying to get warmed up for landscapes. But most importantly, I know I need to get my materials ready for working in the great outdoors! My first job was to clean and organize my studio and my studio pastels. I just bought a new tabouret and I am loving it so far. It's on casters and has five drawers for a great selection of pastel storage! Organizing your pastels by value is an important thing to do and mine were getting pretty messy, so I also have been cleaning them as I move them to the new tabouret. This is the box I will probably take to the workshop. I hope this inspires you to organize your pastels by value....