Bird Inspiration!

I have been wanting to paint birds for a while and today I was talking to an artist friend and she has been doing just that! Yesterday another friend of mine sent me some pictures of birds that she and her husband took, so the two inspirations came together and I started on a painting from this photo. Thanks Linda and Liz! I chose a simple palette of mostly Nupastels and a few other brands. I did a rough drawing using charcoal and some light pastel pencils. I love to work on this grey Ampersand sanded board! Then I just starting to block in colors thinking of values rather than local color. I wanted the painting to be more colorful than the photo. I was going for an iridescent quality. I really enjoyed working on this and it seemed to almost paint itself! I think I am finished (might tweak it a bit)... "Feeding the Goldfinches", pastel on board, 11x14" For sale... Unframed painting $250, plus tax and shipping.