Form an Art Practice!

Detail of "Cabinet of Curiosities" I have more to do! But I made a lot of progress today. This painting is not done, but I wanted you to see what happened after the under painting. What you see above is a detail of the painting so far. Original under painting I really like this surface and things are going pretty well so far. Wish me luck. Today I painted because I had scheduled the time to do it. Painting a painting requires more than skill. Regular art making routines are a must. I am offering you a chance to get into a painting practice... Open Studio Time Need some motivation to draw or paint on a regular basis? Schedule your time to create at Blue Wing Studios in the heart of Middlebury. You can set up your artist space and leave your materials (any two-dimensional material is ok). I will get us going with some inspirational art quotes or concepts. You work on the subject of your choice. Setting up still life is a possibility. Working from imag...