Good Company

"Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter." Izaak Walton Thanks to all of you who came to the Open House on October 26th to see my work in my second corporate show, "Tea & Co." here in Middlebury, VT. The music, the food and the enthusiastic crowd was wonderful! We are all on a journey of one sort or another. Being new in the area, I was touched by the number of my new friends who came out to support me on a rainy night as I follow my artistic journey. Making art is risky business! We put ourselves out there even knowing that our work will be judged. Liked by some and not by others. It can be very scary, so I find it is important to surround myself with people who are going to "lift me higher." Because not every painting is a gem! The surface I used for All the Tea in China had a painting on it that was a disaster. I washed it off with water and then tried to hide the image of the old painting by using a...