What's in a Name?
Coming up with titles for your paintings can be difficult sometimes. Hope is Rising But it can also be kind of fun! Sometimes I think of a name before I begin painting Sometimes I think of a title for the painting as soon as I see what I want to paint or have an idea for a painting. It helps keep my brain focused on what the painting is about.This painting was inspired by a lyric from a song that I love to sing. Keeping the Cows Out Sometimes something comes to me when I am in the process Sometimes I get an inkling of what to call the painting while working on it. I may not be certain until it's finished but a lot of my pieces get a working title while they are works in progress. The painting on the right came to me while I was painting the fence! Sometimes I decide after the painting is finished Sometimes I try and think about a title during the observation and reflection stage. I use the benefits of search Mum's ...