Something of Value

Walk On By #2, pastel, 6x6" I say it all the time to my students... "It doesn't matter what color you choose, as long as you have the right value!" It makes sense to most, but I do understand that it is a difficult concept when you are first learning to paint. In my last class I asked my students to predict what the color of the sky would be in a painting based on a black and white photo. The answers varied, based on the value they were looking at and the sky color that made sense to them. Below is the photo without the colors that I chose for this composition. Notice that there are four values. The sky is the lightest value and the ground is the second lightest. The distant hills are a medium dark and the upright trees and bushes are the darkest. What would guess the sky color to be? Walk On By, pastel, 6x6" It could be anything... yellow, pink, blue, orange or violet as long as the value is correct. This composition could probably b...