A New Perspective

"Three Cups of Tea", pastel, 11x14" I am more than happy to learn that this painting has been accepted into the 2017 International Association Of Pastel Societies , (IAPS) online juried show. I don't know what criteria the jurors used to select this painting but composition may have played a part. We have been discussing composition in the class I teach in beginning pastel. I wish that I had had more instruction in how to create a painting with good composition. So that is why I try to teach this early on in a beginner's experience. One thing to consider is "point of view." This painting looks down on the subject rather than composing it from a straight on point of view. This does not necessarily make it better or more interesting, but is something to consider when looking at a subject. There are also "leading lines " (the spoons) and "repeated pattern" (the rims of the cups) that contribute to the success of the compositio...