Are you ready to roll?

"Ready to Roll?" pastel, 12x12" I have been getting the studio ready for my new classes and thinking about the many wonderful teachers that have helped me in my artistic journey. Pieter Lefferts , Nancy Cassidy , Peter Seltzer and so many more. I realized that I have to get myself ready too! Marla Baggetta, who I also studied with, recently published on her website three important qualities of a good art mentor. She says that it's... someone who inspires you someone who sets high expectations for you someone who creates a sense of community and belonging in the class I couldn't agree more! Classes begin next week... Tuesday, September 5th & 12th - Introduction to Pastels 1 FREE Wednesday, September 6th & 13th - Introduction to Pastels 2 FREE Playing with Pastels... for beginners 5 Tuesdays, Sept. 19th – Oct. 17th, 6:30–9:00pm Fee:$185 New Students and those th...