Out of Our Comfort Zone

"Winter Sun", pastel, 5x7" "If we are growing, we are always going to be out of our comfort zone." John Maxwell I thought I could paint more loosely, less tightly, if I painted small. Instead, I painted tighter than ever, trying to hold onto control of the painting! Well, at least I was trying to push myself out of my comfort zone at the Robert Carsten workshop this past weekend at the Southern Vermont Art Center . It is amazing how we resist ourselves, even when we want to change the way we do things. The painting above is an example of this. I'm not displeased, but I was wanting to let go of my old ways at this workshop. Robert is an excellent teacher, by the way. Take a class with him if he comes to your area. Taking classes and one time workshops can help you come out of your comfort zone. My classes will be taking a winter recess, but will return in January! Stay tuned... and keep playing with your pastels! Judy www.judyalbright...